August 28, 2023

North Texas Giving Day: 18 Ways You Can Make a Big Impact

Mental health care is able to thrive when the community works together. EmpathyHQ is based out of Fort Worth, Texas, and there is an amazing opportunity to make a difference here locally with North Texas Giving Day. Join us to find your passion and give with purpose to our local community so we can better serve all of Texas. Your support matters!

SAVE THE DATE: North Texas Giving Day is Thursday, September 21, 2023! Early giving starts this Friday, September 1st. Please bookmark our organization page ( and we hope you will consider donating and inviting friends and family to do the same.

Children, adults, and families are resilient and can achieve incredible things when given the tools and support they need, but we need your help to accomplish this goal!

When you donate to EmpathyHQ, you are helping to provide services for someone who could not afford to pay for therapy. You are helping strengthen our therapists with intense training to aid clients in healing from deep trauma. You are allowing us to perform outreach to educate communities that counseling is for the strong, not the weak, and that services are available no matter how rural or impoverished the community.

Your gift means building up communities, children, adults, and families as they seek to resolve difficult life events or feelings of depression and anxiety.

OUR MISSION: To provide life-changing mental health services to Texans with a focus on vulnerable populations

OUR VISION: A resilient community with access to resources to live a healthy and authentic life.

Ready to get involved? Here are 18 ways you can make a big impact:

  • Engage with Us: Like, Follow, Share, Ask, Tell! We maintain a strong presence on numerous social media platforms. Join us in exploring informative updates about the services we offer. Alternatively, feel free to visit our North Texas Giving Day Page and spread the word!

  • Be a Fundraising Advocate: Our journey thrives on collective effort! By sharing the mission of EmpathyHQ with others, you create a lasting impact by enabling friends and family to contribute to life-changing mental health services.

  • Dedicate Your Donation: While setting your one-time or monthly donation, consider attaching a personal dedication. The recipient will receive an email with your heartfelt message. This thoughtful gesture not only expresses gratitude to your supporters but also encourages them to join in the spirit of giving.

  • Amplify Your Donation: Unlock Matching Funds! Approach your employer or organization about matching funds, potentially doubling or even tripling your contribution.

  • Lead by Example: Make a Personal Donation! Demonstrate your dedication by initiating your own contribution to the fundraiser. Share this initiative within your network to inspire others to follow suit.

  • Gentle Reminders: As the fundraiser's deadline draws near, consider sending friendly reminders. Sometimes, a gentle nudge can prompt those who intend to donate but haven't taken action yet.

  • Synergize Efforts: Collaboration Counts! If others are raising funds for the same cause, explore the possibility of joining forces. Collaborative fundraising can extend your reach and magnify your impact.

  • Host Fundraising Events: Plan engaging events such as bake sales, garage sales, or virtual gatherings like webinars or online trivia nights. The proceeds from these events contribute directly to your fundraising objective.

  • Share Your Story: Convey your enthusiasm for the cause and your personal connection to it. Articulate why you believe in the mission of the fundraiser and how it aligns with your values. Your personal narrative holds significance!

  • Engage Businesses: Reach out to businesses, regardless of their size, and inquire about potential donations. Draft a letter, make a call, or send an email to establish contact. Sometimes, all you need to do is ask!

  • Embrace Healthy Competition: Form teams and engage in friendly competition with others. The thrill of competition can encourage greater involvement and excitement.

  • Family Involvement: Enlist the Whole Family! Organize events like bake sales, lemonade stands, or any activity where we can provide informational flyers for our services. Leverage your skills and resources, and let kids get involved to utilize their gifts as well.

  • Foster Community Support: Even if you can’t give financially right now, you can still get involved through donating items. Arrange supply drives or canned goods collections to contribute to our Pay it Forward pantry initiative.

  • Partner with Local Restaurants: Explore an innovative approach by creating a fundraiser in collaboration with a local restaurant you love. This can be a delicious way to support the cause!

  • Craft Cards of Gratitude: Design heartfelt cards to express your appreciation for Mental Health Professionals. A small gesture can go a long way in acknowledging their efforts.

  • Promote Open Conversations: Initiate discussions about the importance of mental health with your friends and family. Your conversations can help eliminate stigma and raise awareness.

  • Advocate on Social Media: Utilize your social media platforms to post about mental health awareness. Your posts can contribute to a broader understanding of the subject.

  • Seek Guidance: For any queries or concerns, direct others to reach out to us at We're here to assist and provide information!

Whatever you choose to do, thank you. Your support means the world as we seek to provide even more community members of ALL ages across ALL of Texas with life-changing counseling services.

Learn more and set up your giving today at

You Must Have Questions

What does your organization do?

EmpathyHQ helps support underserved populations by helping individual's navigate their path to living a healthy and authentic life by providing comprehensive and convenient services with low barriers to entry. For a list of specific programs and services we provide, visit our Get Support section.

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How can I get involved?

We’re always on the lookout for individuals who care about supporting mental health resources. Visit our Get Involved section to find out ways to donate or volunteer.

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If I were to donate funds, how is my money used?

We have a responsibility to our community and our donors and work hard to ensure the long-term sustainability of EmpathyHQ. funds are used primarily to direct mental health services to support a wide range of Client in need. To learn more about these initiatives, read more in our About Us section.

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What is your organization's privacy policy?

Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and protects the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our clients, volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations—public, private or nonprofit. For more detailed information visit our Privacy Policy page.

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Do I have to have custody agreement or court order for my child to receive services?

YES. If your child does not live with both biological parents and there is any court order or custody agreement in place, it must be on file. In order for a counselor to see your child, they must have obtained and reviewed the MOST RECENT custody agreement or court order, and any applicable part of a divorce decree that mentions custody. When federal or state statutes provide an exemption to secure consent of a parent or guardian prior to providing services to a minor, the counselor must follow the protocol set forth in such federal or state statutes. If documentation is not provided, your child cannot be seen by a counselor.

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