November 13, 2023

The Intersection of Native Traditions and Gratitude

As November unfolds and we delve deeper into Native Heritage Month, it's enlightening to observe the seamless integration of gratitude within Native traditions. Indigenous cultures teach us that gratitude isn’t merely an act or a momentary feeling, but a way of life.

A Cycle of Respect and Appreciation

For many Indigenous communities, nature isn't just an external entity; it's a living, breathing companion. When they hunt, fish, or harvest, it's not merely for sustenance, but with deep respect and appreciation for the earth and its creatures. Every aspect, from the first light of dawn to the flowing rivers, holds significance and is a source of gratitude.

Ceremonies of Thanks

Numerous ceremonies in Native cultures revolve around giving thanks. The Haudenosaunee, also known as the Iroquois, for instance, have a Thanksgiving Address, a prayer offered to show gratitude to all elements of nature. Such ceremonies aren't just rituals; they're lessons in understanding and appreciating the interdependence of life.

The Concept of Reciprocity

The Native worldview often hinges on the idea of reciprocity: giving back as much as one takes. This balance ensures sustainability and continuity. When a tree is felled, a seed is planted. When an animal is hunted, its bones and hide are used, ensuring nothing goes to waste. This circular view of existence underscores a life of gratitude and balance.

Teachings for Today

In today's fast-paced world, where instant gratification is often sought, Indigenous teachings about patience, gratitude, and reciprocity are more relevant than ever. Instead of viewing gratitude as a fleeting emotion, we can embrace it as an ongoing practice — appreciating the small moments, understanding the value of patience, and recognizing the importance of giving back.

The intersection of Native traditions and gratitude offers a profound lesson for all. As we navigate the challenges and joys of life, let’s draw inspiration from Indigenous wisdom, understanding that gratitude isn’t just for the monumental moments but for the everyday miracles that surround us.

You Must Have Questions

What does your organization do?

EmpathyHQ helps support underserved populations by helping individual's navigate their path to living a healthy and authentic life by providing comprehensive and convenient services with low barriers to entry. For a list of specific programs and services we provide, visit our Get Support section.

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How can I get involved?

We’re always on the lookout for individuals who care about supporting mental health resources. Visit our Get Involved section to find out ways to donate or volunteer.

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If I were to donate funds, how is my money used?

We have a responsibility to our community and our donors and work hard to ensure the long-term sustainability of EmpathyHQ. funds are used primarily to direct mental health services to support a wide range of Client in need. To learn more about these initiatives, read more in our About Us section.

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What is your organization's privacy policy?

Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and protects the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our clients, volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations—public, private or nonprofit. For more detailed information visit our Privacy Policy page.

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Do I have to have custody agreement or court order for my child to receive services?

YES. If your child does not live with both biological parents and there is any court order or custody agreement in place, it must be on file. In order for a counselor to see your child, they must have obtained and reviewed the MOST RECENT custody agreement or court order, and any applicable part of a divorce decree that mentions custody. When federal or state statutes provide an exemption to secure consent of a parent or guardian prior to providing services to a minor, the counselor must follow the protocol set forth in such federal or state statutes. If documentation is not provided, your child cannot be seen by a counselor.

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