Social Media Marketing

How To Help Volunteer

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

DESIGN: If you have a passion for creating original content such as engaging photos or videos, then we have the perfect volunteer opportunity for you!  Use your own design software to create new content or work with ours to develop information relevant to our audiences.  We can work together to publish your posts to better connect with our followers.

RESEARCH: Maybe design "isn't your thing" but you do enjoy reading and researching relevant news articles related to children, families, and mental health.  We would love to see how we can share your passion and important finds with readers.

OUTREACH: Share, share, share.  Our community needs to hear about the many ways we work to serve the greater mental health needs of Texans.  We need individuals willing to share, encourage friends to like or follow our page, and increase engagement with our posts and newsletters.

Experience our expert teeth whitening process for a brighter, healthier smile

Transform your teeth in just 5 easy steps with our professional whitening procedure

Consultation to assess the condition of your teeth and gums. During the consultation, we'll explain how our whitening process works, including the three layers of your teeth and how we focus on whitening the outermost layer, the enamel.
Prepare for the whitening treatment by inserting a cheek retractor, applying a gum protector, and applying a low level of peroxide. We change the peroxide three times, with each set lasting 25 minutes. To activate the peroxide, we use the highest grade cool blue LED technology. Throughout the process, we regularly check on our clients to ensure their comfort and safety.
Remove the cheek retractor and peroxide. The client can then rinse their mouth at the sink to complete the service.
Complete the whitening process, take after photos to document the results and compare them with the before photos. Show the comparison to the client and discuss any remaining concerns or questions. Provide instructions for aftercare, including any necessary maintenance or follow-up treatments.
Review your current oral care routine and assess the products being used. We also will provide you with guidance on how to support the remineralisation process through dietary changes and the use of reminesalizing products in order to improve your overall teeth and health.
Book Now

Experience our expert teeth whitening process for a brighter, healthier smile

Transform your teeth in just 5 easy steps with our professional whitening procedure

Consultation to assess the condition of your teeth and gums. During the consultation, we'll explain how our whitening process works, including the three layers of your teeth and how we focus on whitening the outermost layer, the enamel.
Prepare for the whitening treatment by inserting a cheek retractor, applying a gum protector, and applying a low level of peroxide. We change the peroxide three times, with each set lasting 25 minutes. To activate the peroxide, we use the highest grade cool blue LED technology. Throughout the process, we regularly check on our clients to ensure their comfort and safety.
Remove the cheek retractor and peroxide. The client can then rinse their mouth at the sink to complete the service.
Complete the whitening process, take after photos to document the results and compare them with the before photos. Show the comparison to the client and discuss any remaining concerns or questions. Provide instructions for aftercare, including any necessary maintenance or follow-up treatments.
Review your current oral care routine and assess the products being used. We also will provide you with guidance on how to support the remineralisation process through dietary changes and the use of remineralising products in order to improve your overall teeth and health.